Unicorn Cookie Workshop for Kids

AZ Cake Shoppe 31043 N. Rancho Moreno Dr., Cave Creek, AZ, United States

Let your littles learn how to decorate cookies like a pro in the Unicorn Cookie Workshop for Kids. Students will leave with cookies so beautiful their friends and family will…



Canceled: Kids Camp Session 1

Unfortunately, Bonnie, the instructor, fell and broke her ankle and foot. She will be unable to teach for a while so all June cake classes are cancelled. Our sincerest apologies.…


Canceled: Kids Camp Session 1

Unfortunately, Bonnie, the instructor, fell and broke her ankle and foot. She will be unable to teach for a while so all June cake classes are cancelled. Our sincerest apologies.…


Canceled: Kids Camp Session 1

Unfortunately, Bonnie, the instructor, fell and broke her ankle and foot. She will be unable to teach for a while so all June cake classes are cancelled. Our sincerest apologies.…


Canceled: Kids Camp Session 1

Unfortunately, Bonnie, the instructor, fell and broke her ankle and foot. She will be unable to teach for a while so all June cake classes are cancelled. Our sincerest apologies.…


Cancelled: Gravity Defying Popcorn Cake for Kids

AZ Cake Shoppe 31043 N. Rancho Moreno Dr., Cave Creek, AZ, United States

What could be more fun for kids to make than a gravity defying popcorn cake?!? Students will work with buttercream and fondant to create a whimsical bowl of popcorn with popcorn falling down into the bowl. All supplies will be furnished for the class including extra popcorn for snacking.
